Detox, Detox, Detox

In my weight loss journey reboot, I have learned A LOT in the past couple months. It has come through extensive research. This research has been key to my success over the past couple of months.

For the past 10 years, I have tried to work on being healthier. I have been to multiple doctors and have gotten little help. Ultimately it comes down to, “your numbers are a little off but we don’t know why”.

“You just have to try harder.” “You’ve got to quit cheating.” You’ve got to exercise more” “Calories in, calories out.” “You’ve got to eat less fat.” “You’re not eating enough vegetables.”

Last year I stumbled upon a functional medicine doctor. I thought that she would be the answer. We did some tests, but ultimately, I began getting frustrated at the same tests being ordered and nothing was being solved. Through the tests that she did perform I learned that I was deficient in vitamin D, iron, and hypothyroid. Another positive is that I was able to lose 25.5 pounds in one year with her doing a ketogenic diet. I even tried some of the keto drinks, which taste good but were not all that helpful. All of the weight that I lost came off in the first 9 months and then nothing. I asked my Dr what else could I do? I think I just need to detox. How can I do that? No answer. The question is one I have often asked of doctors in the past, but it is always answered with no response or I don’t know or keep trying, you’ll make it. I felt horrible. I was not sleeping. I was taking thyroid medication which made me feel like my heart was going to explode out of my chest, and my hair was falling out. I was getting BALD spots!!! What’s worse is the tests showed that my TSH still needed improvement. That was the last straw. Something or somethings are definitely missing. This started me on a research binge.

In the past: I’ve been given thyroid medication for thyroid issues, but no doctor has actually delved in to see why my thyroid is low, AKA hypothyroidism. I recently stumbled upon the website He has a wealth of information about different health problems. While it is still a process in getting healthy, I have lost 18 additional pounds to make my total weight loss 43.5 pounds!!!

How did I do it? Research and detox. Here is the video link that started me thinking:

Heavy Metal Detox w/ Jordan Reuben who is part of Dr Josh Axe’s duo for “Ancient Medicine Today”


So, with this new information, I have been working on heavy metal detox. Research shows that many thyroid issues are related to your body being toxic, heavy metals in particular. Specifically, heavy metals are often found in your fat cells, which makes it difficult to lose weight and absorb fat soluble vitamins. What’s more heavy metals can prevent the thyroid hormone conversion. So, a person could feel substantially worse than the TSH is showing because of conversion issues caused by HEAVY METALS! THIS WAS HUGE TO ME!

So, I have started slow in the detox. I have puked, had diarrhea, nausea, and constipation. None are very glamorous, but I am determined to keep going to the name of being healthy. I started off with chlorophyl then added spirulina and am now just replacing the chlorophyl with chlorella which has chlorophyl in it. Per my research and the above video, they are supposed to bind up the toxins and take them out of my body. With these plants binding up the bad, I have found that they take minerals out too. So, I have supplemented with natural electrolytes; this was super helpful in preventing the muscle cramps and heat exhaustion in the summer heat despite drinking over a gallon a day.


I have seen the silver lining at times as the bloating has decreased and my tummy no longer looks like I’m pregnant when I’m not. Detox is key. I know I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight, but I am pleased with the progress.

For now, I am taking the win. 43.5 POUNDS!!!!, oh yeah

Week 2-4 Results are in!

Life is so unpredictable. How we adapt to the curveballs shows character, but it also shows our brokenness and need for support. Week 1 was glorious on my healthy journey reboot. I lost 12 pounds. On Week 2, I was scared to find out. Obviously, it is not healthy to lose 12 pounds every week. Having experienced plateaus and kickbacks from my body before after losing large amounts of weight, I knew that no weight loss or even a weight gain was possible. Here are weeks’ 1-4 results:

  • Week 1: 12 pounds. Awesome!
  • Week 2: Gained 2.5 pounds! 😦
  • Week 3: Lost 2 pounds 🙂 Progress! Yay!
  • Week 4: Lost 1.5 pounds 🙂 Yay!

So, the last 3 weeks have been tough! I somewhat expected the week 2 less than optimal results. I like it when I’m right, but not when that means gaining weight! Ugh!

When I earned my bachelor’s degree in Psychology, we studied motivation and weight loss. Set point is a theory regarded by a number of psychologists. Essentially, the body adjusts the metabolism to try to resist weight loss or weight gain. You can google it for more information or see the following link which explains this theory. It sounds like this probably came into play with my weeks 2-3 results, in my opinion.

Week 3 results were better in that I lost 2 pounds of the 2.5 pounds I gained on week 2. I tried to encourage myself to stay the course. Maintain is name of my game and whatever encouraging sayings I could come up with. However, with the little success I could feel myself wavering.

Week 4 I felt horrible. I slept terrible waking up several times during the night and waking up an hour before the alarm and being unable to go back to sleep. I had a terrible headache that would not go away making it difficult to concentrate or exercise. I went to see my chiropractor who helped to relieve some of my headache which he believed was partially being caused by a hormone imbalance. I also confess that I did not eat on plan. I ate more carbs than I had in over a year. Yes, I was stress eating due to not feeling well.

On top of that all, I have struggled with allergic reactions keeping me at home. I have had hot and cold chills. I’m not sick with a cold or flu, but if I had to guess, I would say that my body is detoxing majorly. One of my favorite Bible verses has been a comfort to me. Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Somehow Paul in the Bible found the strength while imprisoned and dealing with his “thorn of the flesh” to somehow still praise God through it all. So will I.

Weight loss is hard! Being is healthy is hard! I heard somebody once say to me “Anything worth achieving will be hard”. I’m not letting less than desirable results deter me. More than anything, just writing this down is encouraging to see where I’ve come. I hope that week 5 is better, but even if it is not. God will give me the strength to see it through.



Week 1 RESULTS are in!

In the past year, I have diligently been on a ketogenic diet which was recommended by my doctor in order to improve my health, inflammation, and encourage weight loss. I was successful in losing about 30 pounds in 9 months last year. My weight loss stalled in the 9th month of my health journey and I ended up gaining 5-8 pounds back and then I would lose a few pounds and gain a few here and there. Needless to say, I was FRUSTRATED! I could not seem to find an answer. So, I started this ketogenic reboot armed with new test results that showed I had additional food allergies. I cried in disbelief of my increased list of food allergies: gluten, dairy, oats, grains, tree nuts, peanuts, tapioca, avocado, water chestnuts, sesame, sunflower, persimmons, bananas, eggplant (ok I don’t really like egg plant so that’s not so bad 🙂 ).

1 Week into my ketogenic reboot but this time dairy free, pepper, grain, and oat fiber free, etc as well as recommended by my doctor. Well the results are HUGE!


I am beyond excited at my results and just hope and pray it continues. Do you have health goals that you are trying to achieve? You can do it. I am living proof.

Stay tuned for week 2 results.

4 Days in ~ to the Healthy Eating Reboot

Welcome back! How’s your week going? I have been trying to stick to my low carb healthy eating plan. There is nothing like writing a public blog post to keep you honest with your eating….lol. It’s good accountability.

Here’s a quick glance at some of my favorite meals and snacks from the week.

Favorite Snacks: Duke’s Original Beef Sticks, Raw Pumpkin Seeds, Hard Boiled Eggs

Do you have any favorite healthy snacks? Share with me.

Duke's Beef Sticks

Favorite Meal: Chef Salad

Chef Salad

2 c. romaine or green leaf lettuce

5-8 baby carrots sliced

5-8 Black Olives

4 Pieces of Hormel Natural Choice Original Bacon

2 Pieces of Nitrite/Nitrate Free Honey Ham

2 Hard Boiled Eggs Cut Up

Favorite Dressing: Annie’s Natural Cow Girl Ranch (contains dairy) or Annie’s Natural Honey Mustard Vinaigrette


2nd Favorite Meal This Week: Breakfast Meets Grill

Breakfast Meets Grill

1/5 lb hamburger patty (mix onion flakes, garlic powder, and Himalayan sea salt and grill)

1 fried cage free egg on top

2 slices of bacon on top of burger

Green Beans w/ 1 Slice of Bacon Cut Up (Can you tell I like bacon? lol)

Stay Tuned: After how well this week has went with healthy eating, I am excited for the weigh in and body measurements to see what my progress looks like. Stay tuned for the next update.


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor a dietitian. If you are trying to start any exercise program or diet, I recommend consulting with your doctor first.

I simply hope to inspire you with healthy eating.


My Health Journey

According to state of (, obesity has skyrocketed from about 15% of Americans in 1990 to 35% in 2017. That’s an incredible increase. The world has changed a lot in activity, convenience, family dynamics. You probably know at least one person who is overweight or obese or even yourself. Unfortunately, I am part of this percent as embarrassing as it might be, but it is the truth.

From getting married to job changes to pregnancy to new job changes, my weight began to creep up much to my demise. Last year I hit a new low and realized that I must do something more drastic than ever before and make a change and stick with it. My allergies were out of control, hormones raging, monthly cycles inconsistent, exhausted, scared to be out in public for what I might run into that would cause an allergic reaction, low in iron, low thyroid function (hypothyroid), and inflammation out of control. I hurt. Neck, back, shoulder pain and debilitating headaches making it difficult to function. Yes, I needed a change. Big time!

In the past year, I started a ketogenic diet. I watched other people in my accountability group drop weight quickly. Yes, each person has their own health journey. I was trying mine. Over 9 months I lost 30 pounds! Yes, an accomplishment but I was not satisfied. I have been at this for 12 months now and no weight loss for the past three months. Something else had to be wrong.

If you are not familiar with a ketogenic diet, see this link for some helpful information.

Was I doing something in the ketogenic diet that was making me feel worse? Did I have yet another food allergy that was making my body hold onto all of the inflammation? I went to see my Dr and he recommended removing dairy, gluten, tree nuts, bananas, avocados (latex allergy), bell peppers, eggplant, oats, peanuts, quinoa and any other grain, and then the big one DAIRY!!!! Ugghhhhh…what else is there left to eat.

I believe my body can heal itself if only I can figure out the triggers and avoid them. Join me in your health journey as I document my progress.

Phew! I made it!

Like every working mom, it is difficult to manage the at home and at work life. I have spent some of my mommy life being a stay at home mom. Life brings change and I find myself back at work doing the juggling act. “What is more important?”, I ask myself that question a lot trying to prioritize. Inevitably, something gets left out. Tonight, it was my exercise. Something had to give unless I want to stay up to midnight and wake up at 6 to start it all over again. NO THANKS! I know there are some of you out there that can do it, but I cannot not. I must sleep if you want a functioning coherent person around. I chose to give my time to a fundraiser and made 2 gluten free dairy free pumpkin pies. Not to mention…I had to take care of the normal activities of cleaning the kitchen, making supper from scratch, being mommy and wife and everything else that comes with that. My husband and daughter have a severe gluten and dairy allergy, so meals are regularly made from scratch. That’s aside from the point of: I am sure many of you can relate to the balancing act. What do you do to balance life whether you are a working mom or stay at home mom or a little of both? I find myself resorting to creative activities to relieve stress and relax. I look forward to sharing these with you. Stay tuned.

My pies did turn out well, and if I have made you hungry….well here is your reward. My recipe.

Pumpkin Pie by Silvia Parker

1 can pumpkin

3/4 c raw sugar

2 eggs

1 t cinnamon

1/2 t nutmeg

1/2 t ginger

1/2 t salt

3/4 c rice milk or coconut milk

Mix ingredients together until combined. Yes, it is that easy. This makes enough for one pie. If you have a small pie pan, then you may need to have a small mini pie without a crust, so you can feel less guilty about scarfing down pie.

Pie Crust

1 1/2 c rice flour

1/2 c + 2T potato starch

1 egg

2 T apple cider vinegar

2 T cold water

3/4 c shortening

1 T sugar

1 t salt

Crust: Mix the ingredients together in a food processor until all are combined and stuck together. Press into 8 or 9 in pie pans. Makes 2 crusts, so you can one for later and freeze in a ziploc or make another pie if you’re up to it.

Bake Pumpkin Pie at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce Heat to 350 degrees and back for 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool. Serve with whipped topping or as desire.